Freebie Friday
Hello All,
I may not post as often, but when I do you know it’s going to be good.
Miss Kate Cuttables (Freebies daily)
Every day like clockwork Miss Kate has freebie of the day not to mention amazing sales! If you haven’t seen her site check her out at http://www.misskatecuttables.com/
Apex Cuttable Designs (Freebies daily except on weekends)
It’s a little unusual to navigate through this site but when you do figure it out, you can find some amazing works. http://apexembdesigns.com/cuttables/cuttables
Burton Avenue (Almost Daily Freebies with Tutorials)
Now this one of my favorite please to go, this blogger updates almost on the daily for freebies. They even open up and SVG Store. Check them out at http://burtonavenue.com/blog/
Trimcraft UK (Freebies and Tutorials)
This UK Blog is always updating stuff, great for freebies, tutorials, oh and projects like there is not tomorrow. https://www.trimcraft.co.uk/
Granny Enchanged (Daily Freebies)
Looking for digi paper, embellishments, or maybe some lettering this site has it all. http://scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/
The Graphic Fairy (daily images)
Oh Graphic Fairy where have you been all my life. So many images it makes a girl want to craft. http://thegraphicsfairy.com/
If you happen to know of a great freebie find please let me know. I am always on the lookout for some great stuff.