New Updates To Come

New Updates To Come

Hello All,

It has been a minute since I have been on, Well let me tell you it has been a hard 2022 but by the Grace of God we have made it through this season. They’re going to be some changes not only to my site, blog, and well home.

We have only been in our new home for 6 months which is not a long time considering the last time I posted was in August of 2021. God had other plans for us but thankfully we are more well off now than were where a year ago. We had to make our own 40-year trek through the wilderness Thu. Making a number of stops, to humble us, refine us, and Lord willing teach us a thing or two about patience.

Thankfully 2023 will be a better year for everyone. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New year.

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