Creeper Steve MineCraft Key Chain with Creeper Head Charm
I love MINECRAFT and to make it even more awesome I made this Creeper Steve. I like seeing a bit of depth in my key chains. That’s why I made this bottle cap key chain pop, by using dimensional. This Creeper Steve MineCraft Key Chain delivers more like an eight bit game with a 3D feel. Very much like the game itself, the image inside the silver bottle cap has an Xbox 360 Controller grunge in black and green background. It also contains the ever present MineCraft logo with a woo hooing Creeper Steve jumping out of the background.
The Creeper charm is 1 ½ inches x 1 ½ inches made of out polymer clay and glazed in triple thick glossy. The charm has two creeper faces so when you’re looking at it you still see him looking at you. (Yes very creepy)
Dimensions with polymer clay charm: 5 ½ x 1 x 0.5
Silver Bottle Cap, image contained in acetate and the out rim is glitter in green
Polymer Clay Charm with two Creeper Faces: 1 ½ x 1 ½ inches
Attached with Steel Chain
Want it? You can check it out at https://www.etsy.com/listing/120907240/creeper-steve-minecraft-key-chain-with. well while its still lasts.